The way of milk - A look behind the farm gate
Agriculture with passion -
A visit to the family business Schlichting
At the family business Schlichting in Schleswig-Holstein there is always a lot to see and learn. Martin Schlichting has been running the farm together with his parents since 2012. 200ha of land are farmed in total and the 150 dairy cows have 15ha of grazing land at their disposal. With passion and pride the animals are cared for every day.

We start early in the morning
Early in the morning at 4.00h the alarm clock rings. Then it's time to get into your work clothes and off to the start of milking and feeding. Afterwards we have a hot coffee and a cosy breakfast together with the family. Until lunch at 12.00 h we are busy with litter, dung and the other daily tasks. After the family time in the afternoon, the milking will start again at 15.30h. In the evening at seven o'clock peace and quiet returns to the farm.
A visit to farmer Mathis
Having your own farm means responsibility. Responsibility for the welfare of the many animals, for the team working on the farm, the logistics of collection, the delivery of feed and materials, the care of the pastures and and and.
Working together hand in hand, trust and reliability are indispensable. When all components are in harmony, this not only leads to mutual success, but also to really good dairy products

How the milk collection works
The fresh milk is collected from the farmers every day of the year. 365 days a year - whether Saturdays, Sundays or holidays, the milk must be brought to the dairy every day. Martin Bischoff enjoys working as a milk truck driver for the Nissen forwarding company on behalf of NordseeMilch eG. Early in the morning at 5.45 a.m. the large milk tanker truck takes the milk to the farmers on the beautiful country roads of Schleswig-Holstein to collect the freshly milked milk. In the afternoon at 15.30 h, when the milk has been delivered in Witzwort, Martin starts his well-deserved evening off.